Be any bard you want to be!

Welcome to Bard Builder. Here you can make the fantasy character of your dreams!

Here are some things you can do with Bard Builder:

  • Design characters for D&D
  • Make yourself a profile picture
  • Generate avatars for all of your friends
  • Make a bunch and play a weird game of Guess Who
  • Make a really mean portrait of your mortal enemy and mail it to them
  • Design a perfect person and accidentally fall in love with them
  • Generate characters and write stories about them

Bard Builder is still being built - so if you have any ideas, suggestions, or feedback, PLEASE let me know! More categories and options coming soon.

Art & dev by Kika MacFarlane. Sign up for my newsletter for updates!


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Really  cute! Love the suggestion of playing Guess Who with this. Great job!